
English / French » GLOSSARY of AMERICAN BASKETBALL » © par Fred Bullot 2013
Tout d’abord un glossaire Anglais/Français des termes les plus utilisés au Basketball. Puis un Glossaire encore plus complet et anglophone de l’ensemble des termes et definition des mots techniques du basketball. Pour rappel le basketball est un sport Anglophone crée aux USA en 1891 par le Docteur James Naismith et donc un sport totalement Anglophone et pratiqué par 26 millions d’américains!!!!
Fred Bullot grand spécialiste des USA et particulièrement du sport U.S et du basketball, bilingue et ex sportif de haut niveau a étudié à UCLA.
AIR BALL ou NOTHING BUT AIR: Shoot complètement raté qui ne touche ni l’arceau ni le panneau.
ALL AMERICAN: Titre honorifique désignant les meilleurs joueurs de High School ou de NCAA.
ALL-AROUND PLAYER : Joueur complet.
ALL STAR GAME: The ultimate pickup game, rencontre exhibition où sont réunis les meilleurs joueurs du championnat de NBA.
ALLEY-OOP: Passe lobée juste au dessus du panier, ponctuée par un smashe.
ASSIST: Passe décisive.
ATTEMPT : Tentative.
ATTENDANCE: Assistance (public dans une salle).
AVERAGE : Moyenne.
BACK-TO-BACK GAMES: Deux rencontres en deux jours.
BACKBOARD: Panneau ou plexiglass ou support de l’arceau.
BACKCOURT: Partie de terrain où est situé le panier de votre équipe.
BACK-DOOR: Mouvement offensif; appel de balle effectué en contournant le défenseur par l’arrière
BACK ON OFFENSE : retour en défense
BACK-UP PLAYER: Joueur de soutien.
BACK SPIN : effet rétroactif donné sur la balle
BALANCE: Equilibre.
BALL OUT OF BOUNDS: ballon hors jeu
BALL SIDE: côté ballon
BALLOON PAYMENT: Prime exceptionnelle que touchent certaines grandes stars de NBA à leur retraite (peut atteindre 20 millions de $).
BANK SHOT: Shoot avec le panneau.
BANGER : Smasheur.
BASE LINE: ligne de fond.
BASKETBRAWL: Littéralement « basket bagarre » ou qualificatif associé aux équipes au jeu hyper physique comme celui pratiqué par les New York Knicks.
BASKETBALL HALL OF FAME: Le panthéon (à Springfield, Massachusetts) tout à la gloire des héros passés et présents du basketball américain.
BASEBALL PASS: Passe longue à une main.
BECKONED ONTO THE COURT: Se voir signifier d’entrer sur le terrain.
BEHIND THE BACK PASS: passe dans le dos.
BELLY UP: défendre dans les appuis de son vis à vis.
BENCH: le banc de touche.
BIG MOUTH: Grande gueule.
BLIND: aveugle.
BLOCK: Contre.
BLOCKING: Obstruction ou faute défensive.
BLOW A FOUL: Siffler une faute.
BOB COUSY LAY-UP: Double pas réalisé avec un passage du ballon autour du bassin. Du nom de son inventeur Bob Cousy, MVP (NBA) des années 50 !
BODY CHECK: contester (avec la poitrine) un déplacement d’un attaquant.
BONANZA OF TALENTED PLAYERS: Une mine de joueurs talentueux.
BOUNCE PASS: Passe avec rebond.
BOX AND ONE: Défense en boîte ou quatre joueurs en défense de zone et un en défense individuelle.
BOX OUT ou BLOCKING OUT: Bloquer au rebond ou acte de positionner son corps entre l’adversaire et la balle durant un rebond.
BUZZER ou HORN: Sonnerie de fin de match.
CBA (Continental Basketball Association) ou The Official Development League of the NBA: La ligue mineure de basketball la plus réputée aux USA, le réservoir de joueurs officiel de la NBA.
CENTER ou PIVOTMAN ou BIG MAN ou MAN IN THE MIDDLE: Pivot central ou N°5.
CHALK TALK: Séance théorique au tableau noir avec le coach.
CHAMPIONSHIP RING: Les fameuses bagues offertes aux vainqueurs du championnat de NBA.
CHANGE OF PACE: Changement de rythme.
CHARGING: Passage en force.
CHEST BUMP: Acte de congratulation qui consiste à se taper buste contre buste après une action réussie.
CHEST-PASS: Passe-poitrine.
CLEAR OUT: libérer un espace pour qu’un attaquant puisse jouer le 1 contre 1
CLEAVER: malin.
CLINIC : Conférence théorique et/ou stage pratique donné par un coach sur les différentes composantes technico-tactiques du basketball moderne.
CLUTCH PLAYER: joueur sur qui l’on peut compter dans les moments difficiles (fins de matches)
COACH : entraîneur.
COAST TO COAST: traversée du terrain en dribble ponctuée par un panier.
COMBINED DEFENSE: défense combinée – défense mixte.
CONFIDENCE: Confiance.
CONGESTED AREA: Zone du terrain où il y a une grande concentration de joueurs.
CONTENDER: Concurrent ou prétendant.
COURT : le terrain, HALF COURT: demi terrain, FULL COURT: le terrain entier, MIDDLE COURT: milieu de terrain
CROSS COURT PASS: Passe latérale traversant le terrain.
CROSSOVER STEP: Un déplacement des appuis du porteur de balle dans lequel un pied croise l’autre.
CROSSOVER DRIBBLE: Dribble croisé.
CURL: Contourner ou tourner autour.
CUT: Traverser la raquette latéralement, couper.
CUTTER: mouvement d’un joueur qui coupe vers l’anneau.
CUTTING: percée.
DEAD BALL: Balle non jouable.
DECEPTIVE MOVE: Mouvement trompeur.
DEFENSIVE TEAM : Equipe défendante.
DEFLECT: position défensive avec une attitude mains basses ou tentative de déviation du ballon du dribbleur.
DELAYED GAME (OFFENSE): conservation de la balle par une attaque lente
DENIAL POSITION: Position fléchie et agressive du défenseur qui place une main et un pied dans la ligne de tir et de passe de l’attaquant.
DENY: contestation de réception de passe (défense).
DESIGNATION OF THE DEFENDER OFFENDER: désignation du joueur fautif.
DIAMOND AN ONE: défense en boîte 1-2-1 (avec un joueur en homme à homme).
DISH AN ASSIST: Faire une passe décisive.
DOUBLE DOUBLE: Se réfère à un joueur qui accumule 10 ou plus dans au moins 2 des 5 catégories statistiques suivantes: points, rebonds, interceptions, contres et passes décisives. Le tout dans la même rencontre.
DOUBLE FIGURES: Terme utilisé lorsqu’un joueur réalise 10 ou plus dans l’une de ses 5 catégories statistiques: points, rebonds, interceptions, contres et passes décisives. Le tout dans la même partie.
DOUBLE DRIBBLE: Reprise de dribble.
DOUBLE TEAM ou TRAP : Prise à deux sur le porteur.
DOWNTOWN: Un shoot longue distance!
DRAFT DAY : En NBA, cérémonie de pré-saison permettant à l’ensemble des 29 franchises d’embaucher les meilleurs rookies.
DRAW THE FOUL: Action du porteur de balle qui joue dans l’intention de provoquer la faute du défenseur.
DRILL : Exercice ou éducatif.
DRIVE: Dribbler vers le cercle, souvent plutôt vers l’axe panier-panier. (Modification du Coach David Bonnel)
DIRECT DRIVE: départ direct
DRIVE THE BALL: Dribbler rapidement vers le panier dans l’intention de marquer.
DUNK ou STUFF ou JAM ou HAMMER ou BANG: Smashe.
DROP STEP: Un power move où le joueur intérieur porteur de balle et dos au panier, pousse son adversaire direct en effectuant un pas vers l’arrière.
DYNAMIC SLASHER: Un joueur au style dynamique et cinglant.
ELBOWING: Jouer des coudes.
ENDLINE : Ligne de fond.
EYE GUARDING: Position défensive illicite qui consiste à placer une main dans le champ visuel de l’attaquant tout en étant derrière lui.
EYES ON THE TARGET: Yeux sur la cible.
ENTRY PASS : Passe d’entrée ou 1ère passe du jeu placé ou posé.
FADE (FLARE): mouvement d’attaquant qui s’écarte de la pression défensive
FADE-AWAY JUMPER: Shoot en extension en reculant.
FAKE: Feinte.
FANCY FLINGS: Lancers fantaisistes.
FAST BREAK: Contre-attaque.
FEED THE BALL: Passer la balle à un joueur bien placé.
FEEDER: pourvoyeur de ballon.
FEELING: sentir les choses.
FIELD GOAL ou HOOP ou BUCKET ou BASKET: Panier à 2 points.
FINE: Amende.
FINGERTIP CONTROL: Action de contrôler la balle avec le bout des doigts.
FINGER ROLL : Action de faire rouler la balle sur les doigts pour un contrôle optimal.
FITNESS: Condition physique.
FLARE : après un écran pivoter en s’écartant des autre joueurs
FLEX OFFENSE: système d’attaque en continuité à base d’écrans
FLEX RIM : Arceau articulé.
FOLLOW THROUGH: Action d’accompagnement de la main vers la cible lors d’un shoot, passe ou dribble.
FOLLOW UP: Action de monter au rebond offensif après avoir shooté ou bien de shooter après avoir pris un rebond offensif.
FORCING THE SHOT: Forcer un shoot.
FORWARD : Avant ou centre ou pivot.
FOUL: faute personnelle
FOUL OUT: Sortir pour 5 fautes.
FRANCHISE PLAYER: En NBA, joueur clef autour duquel une franchise bâtit son équipe.
FREE AGENT: En NBA, joueur en fin de contrat et libre de tout engagement.
FREE THROW LINE: Ligne des lancers francs.
FREE THROW SHOT: Lancer-franc.
FREEZE ou STALL: L’action pour l’équipe qui mène, de geler le jeu, en utilisant au maximum les 30’’.
FRESHMAN : Etudiant en première année de faculté.
FRONT ou FRONTING: Action pour un défenseur marquant un attaquant non porteur de balle de couper la ligne de passe avec son corps afin de lui interdire l’accès au ballon .
FRONTCOURT: La partie du terrain où est situé le panier de l’adversaire.
FUMBLE: Laisser échapper maladroitement le ballon.
GAP : Intervalle.
GARBAGE TIME: ‘‘Temps poubelle’’ ou moment où l’équipe qui mène largement au score fait rentrer ses joueurs de banc de deuxième plan.
GIFTED PLAYER: Un joueur doué.
GIVE AND GO: Passe et va.
GBA (Global BB Association): Une des nombreuses ligues mineures de basketball aux USA.
GOAL TENDING: Action défensive illicite qui consiste à intercepter la balle dans sa phase descendante suite à un shoot ou lorsque la balle est sur l’arceau dans le périmètre du cylindre imaginaire.
GO TO GUY ou GO TO PLAYER ou STEP-UP PLAYER ou MONEY IN THE BANK PLAYER: Joueur en réussite à qui donner la balle en priorité.
GRADUATE: Etudiant en fin de cursus ayant obtenu son diplôme universitaire.
GRADUATE COLLEGE: Etablissement universitaire de cycle long permettant d’obtenir un Master (maîtrise, bac +4) ou PHD (doctorat, bac+6)
GRASPING: tenue du ballon avec les phalanges des doigts
GUARD: Meneur.
GUN ou GUNNER: Un joueur qui shoote chaque fois qu’il le peut.
HACK ou HACKING: Faute commise lorsqu’un défenseur frappe un attaquant.
HAND CHECKING: Antenne ou usage illicite des mains.
HANDOFF : Passe de la main à la main.
HECKLERS: En NBA les individus chambreurs que l’on place derrière le banc adverse afin de déconcentrer les joueurs.
HELD BALL: Lorsque le ballon est tenu par deux joueurs sans que l’un ou l’autre prenne l’avantage.
HELPING OUT: Action d’aider un coéquipier à marquer son joueur.
HIGH FIVE: Acte de congratulation qui consiste à se taper la ou les mains avec un co-équipier suite à une action réussie.
HIT THE OPEN MAN: Donner la balle au joueur démarqué.
HOME GAME: Rencontre à domicile.
HOOK SHOT: Tir en bras roulé ou tir crochet.
HOOP JUNKIE: Un accroc du basket.
HOT HAND: Main chaude ou joueur qui réussit pratiquement tous ses shoots.
HUDDLE UP: Se rassembler.
ILLEGAL DEFENSIVE ALIGNMENTS: En NBA, nouvelle terminologie désignant désormais la défense en zone.
IMPEDE THE PROGRESS OF THE OPPONENT: Gêner la progression de l’adversaire.
IN AND OUT: rentrer dans la zone réservée et en ressortir pour se démarquer
IN THE ZONE: Joueur qui réussit pratiquement tous ses shoots.
INBOUNDS: La partie du terrain à l’intérieur des lignes de touche et de fond.
INCIDENTAL CONTACT : Contact accidentel.
INSIDE GAME: jeu intérieur.
INTENTIONAL FOUL: Faute intentionnelle.
INTERCEPT ( A PASS): intercepter
IN THE PAINT : dans la raquette.
IN YOUR FACE: Insulte des joueurs de playground américains suite à une action spectaculaire
JAB: planter d’appui pour feinter le défenseur
JAM: Un smash
JUMP : sauter.
JUMP BALL: Entre-deux.
JUMP SHOT: Shoot en extension.
JUMPING-JACK PLAYER: Un joueur à la détente verticale exceptionnelle.
JUMPERS FROM ALL OVER THE COURT: Des shoots en extension de tous les côtés du terrain.
JUNIOR COLLEGE ou COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Établissement universitaire (cycle court) permettant d’obtenir un diplôme Associate (bac+1 ou +2).
KEY ou PAINT: La raquette.
KEY PLAYER: Joueur clé.
LANE VIOLATION: Faute commise au lancer franc lorsqu’un des joueurs aligné autour de la raquette part avant que la balle n’ait touché l’arceau.
LAY-UP: Double pas.
LEAD PASS: Passe délivrée devant le réceptionneur dans l’axe de sa course afin de ne pas ralentir sa vitesse de déplacement.
LIVE BALL: Balle jouable.
LOB PASS: passe lobée.
LOCKER ROOM: Vestiaire.
LOOSE BALL: Balle perdue ou non contrôlée par l’une ou l’autre des deux équipes.
LOTTERY PICK: Le procédé qui détermine l’ordre dans lequel se feront les choix dans la draft de NBA.
MAN-TO-MAN DEFENSE: Défense homme à homme.
MARCHING BAND: Nom des fanfares des facultés de la NCAA.
MARKSMANSHIP: Adresse au tir.
MC DONALD’S HIGHSCHOOL ALL-AMERICAN GAME: Le all-star game des meilleurs lycéens américains.
MISMATCH: Situation où un joueur de grande taille est marqué par un joueur de petite taille suite à une erreur, un écran ou simplement parce que le coach le lui demande.
MONEY TIME: Les dernières minutes décisives d’une rencontre.
MOTION SYSTEM: Système de jeu basé sur la polyvalence totale de chaque joueur.
MVP (most valuable player): Titre honorifique attribué aux meilleurs joueurs d’une compétition.
NAIL A THREE POINTER: Marquer un shoot à 3 points.
NBA (National Basketball Association): Association ou ligue majeure représentant les 29 franchises de NBA.
NBA FRANCHISE: Franchise NBA ou club Sarl, représentant contractuel de la NBA.
NBL (National Basketball League): Une des nombreuses ligues mineures de basketball aux USA.
NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association): Association fondée en 1906, qui régit le système sport/études universitaire américain. Représente 906 facultés réparties en 3 divisions, sponsorise 79 championnats dans 21 sports. Près de 22.000 étudiants athlètes y participent.
NICKNAME: Surnom ou sobriquet.
NIT (National Invitational Tournament): Tournoi universitaire de pré-saison sur invitation.
NO LOOK PASS ou BLIND PASS: Passe aveugle.
NO MIDDLE: interdire la progression de la balle dans l’axe du terrain – gouverner le
centre – orienter vers les touches
OFFENSIVE FOUL: Faute offensive.
OFFENSIVE TEAM: L’équipe attaquante.
ONE AND ONE: Un plus un.
ONE ON ONE: Un contre un.
ONE TWO PUNCH: Expression idiomatique utilisée au sujet de la relation dynamisante entre le Point Guard et Shooting Guard.
OPEN MAN : Joueur démarqué en position favorable pour shooter.
OUTLET PASS: Passe d’ouverture, ou passe effectuée par le pivot après un rebond défensif pour lancer la contre attaque.
OUTSIDE GAME: Jeu extérieur.
OUT OF BOUNDS: Hors des limites du terrain.
OUT OF BOUNDS PLAY : Stratégie particulière pour la remise en jeu du ballon après chaque sortie de balle.
OUT OF SHAPE: En mauvaise condition physique.
OVER AND BACK : Retour en zone.
OVERTIME: Prolongation.
OVERHEAD PASS: Passe au dessus de la tête.
OVERPLAY (THE BALL): défendre en interception (DENY THE PASS)
OVER THE TOP: déplacement défensif consistant à passer au-dessus de l’écran
OVER TIME: prolongation
PASSING GAME: Système de jeu qui privilégie la circulation de balle.
PASSING LANE: Ligne de passe.
PERIMETER PLAYERS: Joueurs ayant la capacité de jouer avec efficacité face au panier. Ex: Point guard ou shooting guard.
PERIPHERAL VISION: Vision périphérique, par opposition à vision focalisée.
PICK ou SCREEN: Ecran.
PICK and ROLL: Un des quatre non porteurs de balle pose un écran sur un défenseur puis effectue un appel de balle juste après le passage du porteur.
PICK-UP GAME: Rencontre de basket informelle.
PLAYER’S COACH: Coach pour qui un relationnel de qualité avec ses joueurs est primordial.
PLAYER IN MOTION: Joueur en mouvement.
PLAYOFF : Phase finale d’un championnat.
POINT GUARD ou LEAD GUARD: Meneur ou premier arrière ou numéro 1.
POWER FORWARD ou BIG FORWARD: Ailier fort ou N° 4.
POWER MOVES: Mouvements offensifs réalisés en puissance dans la raquette par les joueurs intérieurs.
POST PLAYERS: Joueurs ayant la capacité de jouer avec efficacité dos au panier. Ex: Power forward ou center.
PULL-UP A THREE POINTER: Déclencher un shoot à 3 points.
PUMP FAKE: Feinte de shoot avec une flexion des jambes très prononcée.
QUADRUPLE DOUBLE: Se réfère à un joueur qui accumule 10 ou plus dans au moins 4 des 5 catégories statistiques suivantes: points, rebonds, interceptions, contres et passes décisives. Le tout dans la même partie.
QUARTER: Quart temps.
REBOUND: Rebond.
RECORD : Bilan sportif déterminant le rapport victoires/défaites. Exemple: 10 –1 (10v-1d)
REJECTION ou SWAT : contre.
REMATCH: Match revanche.
RESET THE GAME CLOCK: Remettre à zéro le chronomètre du match.
RESUME: Curriculum Vitae.
REVERSE DRIBBLE ou SPIN DRIBBLE: Dribble en pivot ou reverse.
RIM ou RING: Arceau.
ROAD GAME : Rencontre à l’extérieur.
ROCKER STEP: Pas balance.
ROCKET UPCOURT: Remonter le terrain comme une fusée.
ROOKIE: En NBA nom donné au bleu, nouveau joueur ou coach.
ROSTER: Cinq majeur.
RUN AND JUMP: défendre avec des changements de joueurs consécutifs à des grandes courses défensives (RUN AND SURPRISE)
RUN and GUN: Système de jeu prônant la contre-attaque ou jeu rapide en moins de 6 secondes.
SAG: En défense homme à homme action qui consiste à décrocher de son adversaire direct afin d’effectuer une prise à deux sur un attaquant très dangereux.
SALARY CAP : Plafonnement de la masse salariale.
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) ou ACT (American College Test): Examen obligatoire de fin de second cycle permettant aux colleges d’évaluer la culture générale de chaque futur étudiant.
SCHOLARSHIP: Bourse d’études.
SHATTERING BACKBOARDS: Action défensive illicite qui consiste à frapper le panneau du plat de la main afin de modifier le rebond du ballon.
SHOOTING GUARD ou OFF GUARD ou TWO GUARD: Deuxième arrière ou ailier shooteur ou numéro 2.
SCOUT ou RECRUITER: Recruteur.
SCRIMMAGE GAME: Rencontre informelle jouée comme une compétition.
SEAM: Couture du ballon.
SENIOR: Etudiant en troisième année de faculté.
SET A SCREEN: Placer un écran.
SET SHOT: Shoot en double appui.
SET UP: Fixer ou feinte du porteur de balle sur son adversaire direct.
SHAKE AND BAKE: Mouvement offensif du porteur de balle (joueur intérieur) qui dans la raquette dos au panier et en contact avec son vis-à-vis effectue plusieurs feintes latérales avant de pénétrer ou shooter.
SHELL DRILL: exercice dit de la coquille.
SHOOT THE JUMPER: Shooter en extension.
SHOOTING GUARD: Ailier shooter ou 2ème arrière.
SHOOTING SLUMP: Baisse brutale du pourcentage de réussite au shoot.
SHOT CLOCK: Chrono des 30’’.
SHOULDERS SQUARE TO THE BASKET: Epaules face au panier.
SHOWCASE YOUR TALENT: Montrer son talent.
SHUT OFF: Action du porteur de balle qui consiste à distancer son adversaire direct après un écran retard ou un pick and roll.
SKILLED PLAYER: Un joueur d’une grande dextérité.
SKIP PASS: Passe transversale au-dessus de la tête.
SMALL FORWARD: Ailier ou numéro 3.
SNARLER: Un joueur intimidant qui lance des grondements à son vis à vis.
SNEAKERS: Chaussures de sport.
SOPHOMORE: Etudiant en deuxième année de faculté.
SOUTH PAW: Gaucher.
SPACING: L’art d’occuper les espaces libres ou intervalles.
SPIKE: smash
SPRAINED ANKLE: Entorse de la cheville.
SPREAD EAGLE DUNK: Smash très agressif précédé d’un long vol plané, les deux bras écartés.
SQUAD : Equipe.
STANDS: Gradins.
STEAL : Voler la balle au porteur.
STOP AND GO DRIBBLE: Dribble avec un arrêt suivi d’une brusque accélération.
STATIONARY POSITION: Position stationnaire.
STRAIGHT SHOOTER: Joueur qui réussit ou qui rate tous ses shoots.
STREAK: Losing ou winning streak, série de x défaites ou victoires.
STRONG SIDE: Côté fort ou côté avec ballon.
STUTTER STEP ou JAB STEP ou DRIVE STEP: Petites feintes du pied avant du porteur de balle visant à perturber le défenseur.
SUBSTITUTE: Remplaçant.
STARTERS: Les 5 joueurs de départ.
STARTING LINEUP: Le cinq de départ.
SWEEP : Le coup du balai, consiste à remporter une série de playoff sans concéder la moindre défaite.
SWIPE A STEAL: Réaliser une interception.
SWISH ou NOTHING BUT NET: Marquer sans que la balle ne touche l’arceau.
SWITCH: Permutation au marquage défensif suite à un écran où à une consigne du coach.
TAKE THE CHARGE: prendre un passage en force
TAKE OFF LEG: pied d’appel
TAP THE BALL: Pousser la balle du bout des doigts.
TAP-IN ou TIP-IN: Claquette au rebond.
TAUNTING: Raillerie, moquerie.
TEAM FOUL: Faute d’équipe.
TECHNICAL FOUL: Faute technique.
TEAMMATE: Equipier.
THREE POINT RANGE: Distance à trois points.
TIMER: Chronométreur.
TIMEOUT: Temps mort.
TIMING: Synchronisation ou coordination des actions.
TITLE CONTENDER: Prétendant au titre.
THE PATH OF THE DRIBBLER: Le couloir de déplacement du dribbleur.
THROW IN: Remise en jeu.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Test obligatoire d’entrée à l’université des étudiants non anglophones dont l’objectif est d’évaluer le niveau de maîtrise de la langue anglaise.
TOMAHAWK DUNK: Smashe à une main très agressif.
TONE MUSCLES: Muscles toniques.
TOP NOTCH FACILITY: Installation dernier cri.
TOP PROSPECT PLAYER: Un jeune espoir de tout premier ordre.
TRADE A PLAYER : Echanger un joueur contre un autre.
TRAINER: Kinésithérapeute.
TRASH TALKING: Langage argotique utilisé par la jeune génération de joueurs de playground américains.
TRIPLE DOUBLE: Se réfère à un joueur qui accumule 10 ou plus dans au moins 3 des 5 catégories statistiques suivantes: points, rebonds, interceptions, contres et passes décisives. Le tout dans la même rencontre.
TRIPLE THREAT ou SQUARE UP STANCE: Position triple menace permettant de shooter, passer ou dribbler.
TURNAROUND: Volte-face
TURNOVER: Perdre la balle au profit de l’adversaire.
TWEENER : ‘‘ Player in the middle’’ ou joueur au profil et poste mal défini.
UNDERCLASSMAN: Terme désignant un étudiant en première ou deuxième année (freshman ou sophomore).
UNDERDOG: Le présumé plus faible.
UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE: Etablissement universitaire de cycle court permettant d’obtenir un diplôme de bachelor (licence, bac+3).
UNIFORMS ou JERSEYS: Tenue vestimentaire des joueurs.
UPPERCLASSMAN : Terme désignant un étudiant en troisième ou quatrième année (junior ou senior).
USBL (United States Basketball League): Une des nombreuses ligues mineures de basketball aux USA.
V-CUT : Aiguillage ou appel de balle.
VARSITY TEAM: Equipe universitaire.
WAIT FOR THE OPENING: Attendre l’ouverture.
WAIVED BY: » Libéré par « , lorsqu’une équipe pro ne reprend pas un joueur en fin de contrat.
WARM UP: Echauffement.
WEAK SIDE: Côté faible ou côté sans ballon.
WEAVE (TO): se déplacer en tournant et en changeant fréquemment de direction
WEIGHT TRAINING: musculation
WINDMILL DUNK: Smash moulin à vent ou à deux mains avec mouvement de bas en haut.
WING MAN: Ailier.
WOODEN SPOON: Cuillère de bois, titre peu envié de dernière équipe du championnat.
WORK-OUT : Séance d’entraînement .
WBL (World BB League): Une des nombreuses ligues mineures de basketball aux USA.
WRAP AROUND PASS : Passe à une main sur le côté avec effet.
WRONG FOOT: A contre-pied.
ZONE DEFENSE: Défense de zone.
The American Basketball Glossary gives an overview of terms used in and around Basketball, especially in terms of coaching.
ADVANCE STEP: A step in which the defender’s lead foot steps toward their man, and her back foot slides forward.
ASSIST: A pass thrown to a player who immediately scores.
BACKCOURT: The half of the court a team is defending. The opposite of the frontcourt. Also used to describe parts of a team: backcourt = all guards (front court = all forwards and centers).
BACK CUT: See cuts, Backdoor cut.
BACK SCREEN: See Screens.
BALL FAKE: A sudden movement by the player with the ball intended to cause the defender to move in one direction, allowing the passer to pass in another direction. Also called » pass fake « .
BALL REVERSAL: Passing the ball from one side of the court to the other.
BALL SCREEN: See Screens
BALL SIDE: The half of the court (if the court is divided lengthwise) that the ball is on. Also called the » strong side « . The opposite of the help side.
BANANA CUT: See cuts
BANK SHOT: A shot that hits the backboard before hitting the rim or going through the net.
BASEBALL PASS: A one-handed pass thrown like a baseball.
BASELINE: The line that marks the playing boundary at each end of the court. Also called the » end line « .
BASELINE OUT-of-BOUNDS PLAY: The play used to return the ball to the court from outside the baseline along the opponent’s basket.
BASKET CUT: See cuts.
BLINDSIDE SREEN: See Backscreen.
BLOCK: (1) A violation in which a defender steps in front of a dribbler but is still moving when they collide. Also called a » blocking foul « . (2) To tip or deflect a shooter’s shot, altering its flight so the shot misses. (3) The small painted square on the floor next to the basket just outside the lane.
BLOCK OUT: To make contact with an opposing player to establish rebounding position between the player and the ball. Also called » box out « .
BOUNCE PASS: A pass that bounces once before reaching the receiver.
BOX-and-ONE: A combination defense in which four defenders play zone in a box formation and the fifth defender guards one player man-to-man.
BOX OUT: See block out.
BOX SET: A formation in which four players align themselves as the four corners of a box. Often used for baseline out-of-bounds plays.
BUMP the CUTTER: To step in the way of a cutter who is trying to cut to the ball for a pass.
CENTER: (1) The position in which a player, usually the tallest player on the team, stays near the basket. (2) The player who plays that position.
CENTER CIRCLE: The painted circle at midcourt used for the opening jump ball.
CHARGE: (1) A violation when a player with the ball runs into a defender who is standing still. Also called a » charging foul « . (2) To commit that violation.
CHEST PASS: An air pass thrown from the passer’s chest to a teammate’s chest. It can be a one-handed or two-handed pass.
CHIN the BALL: To hold the ball with both hands under the chin, elbows out, to protect the ball.
CLEAR-OUT PLAY: A set play designed to clear an area of the court of all offensive players without the ball so the player with the ball can play 1-on-1.
CLOSING OUT: When a defender sprints to guard a player who has just received a pass.
COMBINATION DEFENSE: A defense that is part man-to-man and part zone. Also called a « junk defense. »
CONTINUITY OFFENSE: A sequence of player and ball movement that repeats until a good shot is created.
CONTROL DRIBBLE: A dribble maneuver in which the player keeps their body between the defender’s body and the ball.
CROSSOVER DRIBBLE: A dribble maneuver in which a player dribbles the ball in front of their body so they can change the ball from one hand to the other.
CROSS SCREEN: A movement in which a player cuts across the lane to screen for a teammate.
CURL: see cuts
CURL PASS: A low, one-handed pass made by stepping around the defender’s leg and extending the throwing arm. Also called a » hook pass « .
CUT: A sudden running movement to get open for a pass.
Banana Cut: A wide, curving cut, as opposed to a cut that is a straight line.
Backdoor Cut: An offensive play in which a player on the perimeter steps away from the basket, drawing the defender with them, and suddenly cuts to the basket behind the defender for a pass. The opposite of a I-cut. Also: Back cut.
Basket Cut: A cut toward the basket.
Curl Cut: A cut that takes the player around a screen toward the basket.
Fade Cut: A cut that takes the player away from the ball. For example after using a baseline screen or on the defenders help (like shown in the graphic.Also: Flare cut.
Flash Cut: A cut that takes the player from the lowpost to the highpost, or in the middle of the paint from behind the defence (mostly used to describe a cut against a zone).
Flex Cut: A cut from the weakside corner to the ballside lowpost, using a screen at the weakside lowpost.
I-cut: An offensive play in which a player on the perimeter steps toward the basket, drawing the defender with them, and suddenly cuts to the perimeter for a pass. The opposite of a backdoor cut.
Popout Cut: A cut taken around a screen straight to the ball.
Shuffle Cut: A cut that takes a player around a screen on the highpost to the basket.
Shallow Cut: A cut from the top of the key to the ballside corner.
UCLA Cut: A cut that takes the player from the top of the key to the lowpost over a screen at the highpost.
V-cut (or L-Cut when 90° angle): e.g. The player starts at the lowpost and cuts to the highpost, initiates contact with the defender and then cuts to the wing. It can also be executed from the wing; in this case the player cuts to the lowpost and comes back out.
DEFENSIVE REBOUND: A rebound made off a missed shot at the basket a team is defending.
DEFENSIVE SLIDE: The quick » step-slide » movement a defender makes when closely guarding the dribbler.
DEFENSIVE STANCE: The stance used to play defense-knees bent, feet wide, arms out, etc.
DEFENSIVE STOP: Gaining possession of the ball before the offensive team scores.
DEFENSIVE TRANSITION: When the team on offense suddenly gives up possession of the ball and has to convert from offense to defense.
DELAY OFFENSE: An offense used to take more time with each possession.
DENIAL DEFENSE: A defense in which a defender tries to prevent their man from receiving a pass.
DENIAL STANCE: The stance used to play denial defense-body low, knees bent, hand and foot in the passing lane.
DENY the BALL: To use a denial stance to keep the offensive player from receiving a pass.
DIAMOND-and-ONE: A combination defense in which four defenders play zone in a diamond formation and the fifth defender guards a specific offensive player man-to-man.
DIAMOND PRESS: A full-court press with a 1-2-1-1 formation.
DISHING: A slang term for passing the ball to a player open for a shot, usually after dribble penetration.
DOUBLE DOWN: To drop from the perimeter, leaving your man or zone, to double-team a low post player.
DOUBLE LOW STACK: When two offensive players set up at one of the blocks to run a play.
DOUBLE-TEAMING: A defense in which two defenders guard the same offensive player at the same time.
DOWN SCREEN: See Screens
DRIBBLE: (1) To advance the ball by bouncing it on the floor. (2) The bounce of the ball caused by a player pushing the ball downward.
DRIBBLE PENETRATION: When a dribbler is able to drive into the lane; she « penetrates » the defense.
DRIVE: To attack the basket by dribbling hard at it.
DROP STEP: A low post move when an offensive player with her back to the basket swings one leg around the defender and uses it as a pivot foot to gain inside position.
ELBOW: The corner made by the intersection of the free throw line and the lane line. Each lane area has two elbows.
END LINE: See baseline.
ENTRY: Beginning of a play. Can be used for Continous-, Set- and Special plays. Most popular Entries: UCLA Cut, Power, Zipper Cut, Wing Exchange, Horns.
FACE UP: See square up.
FADE CUT: See cuts.
FAN the BALL: When the defense forces the ball toward the sideline.
FAST BREAK: A play in which a team gains possession of the ball (through a defensive rebound, steal, or made shot) and then pushes the ball toward the other basket as fast as possible, hoping to catch the other team off guard and score an easy shot.
FIELD GOAL: A 2-or 3-point basket.
FILLING the LANES: A fast break in which players from the offensive team run up the court in the right lane, the middle lane, and the left lane.
FLAGRANT FOUL: Excessive physical contact (punching, kicking, etc.).
FLARE CUT: See cuts.
FLASH: See cuts.
FORWARD: A position usually played by a tall, athletic player. A » small forward » or a » 3 » plays on the wing, and a power forward or a » 4 » plays in the high or low post area.
FOUL: A violation of the rules.
FOUL LINE: See free throw line.
FOUL SHOT: See free throw.
FOUL TROUBLE: (1) Player foul trouble occurs when a player accumulates three or four fouls and is in danger of fouling out. (2) Team foul trouble occurs when a team accumulates four or more team fouls in a quarter and is » in the bonus « .
FREE THROW: An uncontested shot taken from the free throw line as a result of a foul. Also called a » foul shot « . A successful (made) free throw is worth 1 point.
FREE THROW LINE: The line a player stands behind to shoot a free throw. Also called the » foul line « .
FREE THROW LINE EXTENDED: An imaginary line extending from one end of the free throw line to the sidelines.
FRONT: To guard a player by standing directly in front of him and therefore between him and the ball.
FRONTCOURT: A team’s offensive half of the court. The opposite of the backcourt. Also used to describe parts of a team: front court = all forwards and centers, backcourt = all guards
FULL-COURT PRESS: A man-to-man or zone defense in which the players guard the other team in the frontcourt. Also called a » press « .
FUNNEL the BALL: When the defense forces the ball toward the middle.
GIVE-and-GO: An offensive play in which the player with the ball passes (gives) to a teammate and cuts (goes) to the basket to receive a return pass. One of the game’s basic plays.
GOALTENDING: A violation in which a defender touches a shot as it nears the basket in a downward flight.
GUARD: (1) A position on the perimeter. The point guard or » 1 » brings the ball up the court and begins the offense. The shooting guard or » 2 » is usually the teams best outside shooter. (2) To defend an offensive player closely.
GUIDE HAND: The shooter’s nonshooting hand. See also shooting hand.
HALF-COURT LINE: The line at the center of the court parallel to the sidelines that divides the court in half. Also called the » midcourt line « .
HAND-CHECK: To make hand contact with a dribbler while guarding them.
HEDGE: In a pick-and-roll, when the screener’s defender steps into the path of the dribbler so the dribbler has to hesitate, giving their defender time to get around the screen.
HELP and RECOVER: A defensive move in which a defender leaves her assigned player to guard a teammate’s assigned player and then goes back to guard their own player.
HELP SIDE: The half of the court (if the court is divided lengthwise) that the ball in not on. Also called the « weak side. » The opposite of the ball side.
HELP-SIDE STANCE: The stance used to guard a help-side offensive player. See also pistol stance.
HESITATION DRIBBLE: A dribble maneuver in which the dribbler hesitates, pretending to pick up their dribble, but suddenly continues to the basket. Also called a « stop-and-go dribble. »
HIGH POST: The area around the free throw line.
HOOK SHOT: A one-handed shot taken with a sweeping, windmill motion.
INBOUND: To pass the ball to a teammate on the court from out-of-bounds.
INBOUNDER: The player who inbounds the ball.
INSIDE-OUT DRIBBLE: An advanced dribbling move, a fake crossover dribble.
INTENTIONAL FOUL: A foul that occurs when a player makes illegal contact with an opposing player without intending to get the ball.
ISOLATION PLAY: An offensive play designed to have a specific player attack the basket 1-on-1.
Also called » iso play « .
JAB-and-CROSS: A play in which the offensive player makes a jab step in one direction and then follows it by driving by the defender in that direction.
JAB STEP: A short (6 to 8 inches) out-and-back step by an offensive player to see how the defender reacts.
JAM the CUTTER: When a defender steps in the way of a cutter to prevent them from cutting to the ball.
JUMP BALL: A procedure used to begin a game. The referee tosses up the ball in the center circle between two opposing players, who jump up and try to tip it to a teammate. Also called the » opening tip « .
JUMP HOOK: A variation of the traditional hook shot in which the shooter takes the shot with both feet in the air.
JUMP SHOT: A shot in which the shooter faces the basket and releases the ball after jumping into the air.
JUMP STOP: The action of coming to a complete stop, legs apart and knees bent, when dribbling or running; can be a one-foot or two-foot jump stop.
JUMP to the BALL: When a defender, after her man passes the ball, changing to a denial position so their man can’t cut between her and the ball.
JUNK DEFENSE: See combination defense.
LANE: The rectangular painted area between the baseline, the lane lines, and the free throw line. Also called the » paint « .
LANELINE EXTENDED: A imaginary line from the junction baseline and laneline to the same junction on the other half of the court. (used to describe a proper spacing in a four out offense).
LAYUP: A shot taken next to the basket in which the shooter extends their arm, lifts their same-side knee, and aims the ball at the upper corner of the painted square on the backboard.
LOOSE-BALL FOUL: A foul committed when neither team has possession of the ball.
LOW POST: The area on one side of the basket around the block.
MAN OFFENSE: See man-to-man offense.
MAN-to-MAN DEFENSE: A team defense in which each defender guards a specific player or man. Also called » player-to-player defense « .
MAN-to-MAN OFFENSE: A team offense used against man-to-man defense. Also called » man offense « .
MIDCOURT LINE: See half-court line.
MIRROR the BALL: To follow the movement of the ball with your hands when closely guarding a player who is pivoting.
MOVING PICK: A violation that happens when a screener leans or moves after setting a screen.
NONSHOOTING FOUL: A foul committed against a player who is not in the act of shooting.
OFFENSIVE REBOUND: A rebound at the basket a team is attacking.
OFFENSIVE TRANSITION: When the team on defense suddenly gives up possession of the ball and has to convert from defense to offense.
ON-BALL DEFENSE: Defense that occurs when a defender guards the player with the ball.
ON-BALL SCREEN: See Ballscreen
ONE-and-ONE: Free throws awarded to a team once its opponent has committed seven personal fouls. If the shooter’s first free throw is successful, they shoot a second free throw.
ONE-GUARD OFFENSE: A team offense used against zones with two-guard fronts (2-3 and 2-1-2 zones).
OPEN STANCE: The stance used to play help-side defense-feet apart, body balanced, knees bent, arms out.
OUTLET: (1) To pass the ball after a defensive rebound to start the fast break. (2) The player who stays in the backcourt to receive an outlet pass.
OUTLET PASS: An overhead pass thrown by a defender that starts the fast break.
OVERHEAD PASS: A two-handed pass thrown from above the player’s head.
OVERTIME: A 5-minute extra period played when the game is tied at the end of regulation play.
PAINT: See lane.
PALMING: See carrying the ball.
PASS FAKE: See ball fake.
PASSING LANE: An imaginary line from the player with the ball to a teammate. If a defender is in the way, the passing lane is closed.
PERSONAL FOUL: A penalty assessed on a player who commits an illegal action.
PICK: See screen.
PICK-and-ROLL: A two-person play in which on offensive player sets a screen (pick) on the ball handler’s defender and cuts (rolls) to the basket after the ball handler drives by the screen. Also called a » screen and roll « . A common play in college and the pros.
PISTOL STANCE: When a help-side defender is guarding their man, they point one hand at their man and one hand at the ball (as if they’re holding a pistol).
PIVOT: The action when the player with the ball spins on one foot and steps with their other foot to protect the ball from a defender.
PIVOT FOOT: The foot that the offensive player spins on while pivoting.
PLAYER-CONTROL FOUL: A nonshooting offensive foul.
PLAYER SCREEN: See off-ball screen.
PLAYER-to-PLAYER DEFENSE: See man-to-man defense.
POINT GUARD: (1) A position played by a team’s primary ball handler, the player who brings the ball up the court and begins the offense. Also called the » 1 « . (2) The player who plays that position.
POPOUT CUT: See cuts.
POST: (1) A player who plays in and around the lane area. A center or forward (a » 4 » or a » 5 « ). (2) An area of the court, as in the low post or the high post.
POST MOVES: Back-to-the-basket scoring moves made by players near the basket.
POST-UP: (1) An offensive move in which an offensive player (usually a forward or a center) positions himself close to the basket with their back toward the basket and the defender behind them so the offensive player can receive a pass. (2) To make that move.
POWER FORWARD: A position played by the larger of the forwards on the floor, usually a good scorer and rebounder. Also called the » 4 « . (2) The player who plays that position.
POWER LAYUP: A two-footed layup.
PRESS BREAK: A team offense used against a press defense. Also called » press offense « .
PRESS OFFENSE: See press break. Pressure man-to-man defense: An aggressive defense where the defenders stay between their man and the ball.
PRIMARY BREAK: A fast break that involves only a few players from each team.
PUMP FAKE: See shot fake.
PUSH PASS: A one-handed air pass.
READY STANCE: The balanced position from which a player is ready to run, jump, slide, or pivot. Their knees are bent, hands are up and out, back is straight, and head is up.
REBOUND: (1) A missed shot that comes off the backboard or rim. (2) To fight for and gain control of a missed shot that comes off the backboard or rim.
REJECTION: A blocked shot.
RETREAT STEP: A step in which the defender’s back foot steps toward the baseline, and the lead foot slides in place.
RUNNER: A shot that the player shoots while running, without taking the time to set up the shot. Also called a « floater. »
RUNNING CLOCK: When the clock in a game isn’t stopped every time the referee blows the whistle to ensure that the game ends on time and the next game can begin when scheduled. Often used in middle school and AAU games.
SAFETY: The offensive player at the top of the circle.
SAG: A tactic in which a defender leaves their man or zone and drops into the lane to help protect the basket.
SAGGING MAN-to-MAN DEFENSE: A conservative defense in which the defenders stay between their man and the basket.
SCREEN: A play in which an offensive player runs over and stands in a stationary position next to a teammate’s defender to free up the teammate to dribble or to receive a pass. Also called a pick.
Ball Screen: Screen on a defender, who is defending the ballcarrier
Back Screen: Screen in the back of the defender
Cross Screen: Screen from one Lowpost to the opposite Lowpost
Double Screen: Screen set by two player next to each other. This screen is also called Parallel Screen.
Down Screen: Screen from the wing to the Lowpost
Up Screen: see UCLA Screen
UCLA Screen: Screen from the Lowpost to the Top of the Key
Flare Screen: Screen for a player moving away from the ball
Off-Ball Screen: A screen set on a defender guarding an offensive player who doesn’t have the ball.
Shot Screen: A screen set for a player to shoot the ball, mostly on the weakside
Staggered Screen: two Screens not next to each other set simultaneous for the same cutter.
SCREEN AWAY: To pass in one direction and set a screen for a teammate in the opposite direction.
SCREENER: A player who sets a screen.
SEALING the DEFENDER: After setting a screen, the screener does a reverse pivot to » seal » the defender-put the defender on her back.
SECONDARY BREAK: A fast break that involves most of the players from each team.
SET PLAY: A sequence of player and ball movement that has an end.
SHAGGER: A player who, in a drill, collects loose balls and returns them to the passer.
SHELL DRILLS: Defensive drills designed to work on all aspects of defense.
SHOOTER’S ROLL: When a shot doesn’t go through the basket cleanly, but bounces around softly before dropping through.
SHOOTING FOUL: A violation that happens when a defender fouls the shooter and the shot scores. The shooter is awarded 2 points and a free throw.
SHOOTING GUARD: (1) A position played by a perimeter player who is usually the team’s best outside shooter. Also called the » 2 « . (2) The person playing this position.
SHOOTING HAND: The hand used to shoot the ball. See also guide hand.
SHOT CLOCK: The clock used to limit the time allowed for a team to attempt a shot. Shot clocks are used in pro and college games, in some high school leagues, but not in middle school and youth leagues. Shot clock violation: A violation that occurs when the team with the ball doesn’t get a shot off during the allotted time. It results in a change of possession.
SHOT FAKE: A movement in which the player with the ball acts as if they are about to shoot. It is designed to trick the defender into straightening up, allowing the player with the ball to dribble past them. Also called a » pump fake « .
SIDELINE: The line at each side of the court that marks the boundary of the playing surface.
SIDELINE PLAY: A play used by the offensive team to put the ball back in play from the sideline.
SIXTH MAN: The first substitute who comes off the bench to replace a starter.
SKIP PASS: An overhead pass from one side of the court to the other over the defense.
SPEED DRIBBLE: A dribble maneuver in which the player pushes the ball ahead of her and bounces it at chest height.
SPECIAL PLAYS: a play for a specific situation and/or a specific player.
SPIN DRIBBLE: A dribble maneuver in which the player does a reverse pivot while bringing the ball around them so it ends up in their other hand.
SPLIT-LINE: the imaginary line between the two baskets. Mostly used to describe a position for defenders.
SPLITTING the SCREEN: When the screener, seeing her defender hedging, gets out of her screening stance and cuts to the basket for a pass. Splitting the trap: When a trapped player steps in between the defenders to pass the ball.
SQUARE UP: To pivot so the shoulders and feet face the basket. Also called « face up. »
STAGGERED SCREEN: When two players not next to each other set simultaneous screens for the same cutter.
STEAL: (1) To intercept a pass and gain possession of the ball. (2) The name for the action.
STOP-and-GO DRIBBLE: See hesitation dribble.
STOP and POP: An offensive move in which a player comes to a sudden stop, picks up her dribble, and shoots the ball.
STRONG SIDE: See ball side. The opposite of « weak side. »
SUBSTITUTE: A player who comes in the game to replace another player. Also called a « sub. »
SWING STEP: A defensive step in which the defender does a reverse pivot with one foot and stays in her on-ball stance.
SWITCH: A movement in which two defenders change the offensive player each is playing.
TECHINCAL FOUL: A violation, such as a player or coach using profanity, that results in the other team getting free throws and possession of the ball. Also called a » T » as in » T him up « .
TIP-OFF: The opening jump ball at the center circle that begins a game.
TRAILER: An offensive player, usually a center or a power forward, who trails the first wave of players on the fast break.
TRANSITION: A movement that occurs when a team changes from offense to defense (defensive transition) or from defense to offense (offensive transition).
TRAP: A defensive move in which two defenders guard the player with the ball by forming a V with their bodies.
TRAVELING: A violation that occurs when the player with the ball takes two many steps without dribbling. This is a common occurrence with young players.
TRIANGLE-and-TWO: A combination defense in which three defenders play zone in a triangle formation and two defenders guard specific players man-to-man.
TRIPLE THREAT POSITION: The bent knees stance that allows the player three options: dribble, pass, or shoot.
TURNAROUND JUMP SHOT: A shot by a player in the low post in which they catch the ball with their back to the basket, makes a forward pivot so they face the basket, and shoots a jump shot.
TURNOVER: A loss of possession of the ball caused by a steal, an offensive foul, a held ball, or a poor pass.
TWO-GUARD OFFENSE: A team offense mostly used against zones with one-guard fronts (1-2-2 and 1-3-1).
TWO-SHOT FOUL: A violation that occurs when a defender fouls the shooter, and the shot misses. The shooter is awarded two free throws.
UCLA SCREEN: See Screens
UP-and-UNDER MOVE: An advanced post move that starts out like a turnaround jump shot, but instead of shooting, the post player » pump fakes « , causing the defender to rise out of their defensive stance. The post player steps by the defender and finishes with a layup.
V-CUT: See cuts.
WEAK SIDE: See help side.
WING: (1) The area on the court where the 3-point arc meets the free throw line extended. (2) The offensive player who plays in that area.
ZONE DEFENSE: A team defense in which players are assigned to guard specific areas of the court, rather then layers. Most popular zone alignments: 2-3, 3-2, 1-3-1, 1-1-3, 2-1-2
ZONE OFFENSE: A team offense used against a zone defense.
ZONE PRESS DEFENSE: Full court zone defense, mostly used to trap the ball. Most popular alignments: 1-3-1, 1-2-1-1 (Diamond), 1-2-2, 2-2-1